Title TBD
Title TBD: Tell Me a Story
Laniece raises the bar on gift giving for her husband's 40th

Laniece raises the bar on gift giving for her husband's 40th

A meaningful gift sparks questions about our legacies and capturing our stories


When Laniece mentioned she wrote a book as a gift for her husband on his 40th birthday, my ears perked up and I had to learn more.

In this episode of Tell Me a Story, Laniece talks about the inspiration, the process and the outcome of writing a book of 40 affirmations (plus extras) for her husband…

…in the middle of COVID…

…while pregnant with their second child.

Her husband had a unique childhood compared to the kids today who live on TikTok. He doesn’t have any photos from the first 18 years of his life.

Laniece’s story sparked in me some questions about giving gifts, how we gather our family stories and what we do with all the photos we take. What about all those photos we don’t take? Are love languages real? What happens when the uncle who remembers everyone’s name and the secret family recipes is no longer with us?

We capture more of our lives today than ever before, but are we capturing the meaning and what we want to see endure when we’re gone? And I don’t mean the insta highlight reel version.

This isn’t to say we all need to run to our desks and craft books for our loved ones (although that would be amazing) but we can take steps to capture our stories and why they matter to us.

You never know what your kids, grandkids and so on would want to know about you.

Title TBD
Title TBD: Tell Me a Story
Small stories and other things we might share around the kitchen table