What is Title TBD?

Honestly, I don’t always know and it is a work in progress. Not unlike myself.

I like stories. I like reading stories and hearing stories. I like writing and photography. Expect to get some of that.

The Tell Me a Story audio series is simply me asking folks to tell me a story from their life. The small stories. The big stories. The stories that end up shaping us as humans.

I hope you hear the stories you need to hear when you need to hear them. May they help or inspire you to continue in your own story. Or, at least may they help you feel a little closer to the voice speaking in your headphones. Closer to someone in your life. Closer to yourself.

That’s asking for a lot, but if we’re going to ask for something, let it be that.

Anything else written in this space will be connected to storytelling in one way or another.

Who knows what else might happen? I name it Title TBD for two reasons:

  1. I’m terrible at naming things

  2. To Be Determined means we don’t need to have it all figured out right now

Who am I?

My name is Zane and I’m a husband and a father. By day I work in employee communications, which is more interesting than it sounds. I get to write, take photos, create videos and audio content. I get to help people share their stories, within the confines of a business, and I'm pretty good at it.

I’m a terrible, but still trying, poet. A portrait photographer. A reader. Bit of a daydreamer. I like rollercoasters and rock music.

I’m on a mission to make sure my kids one day have a live music experience that makes electricity shoot through their spines and out of there extremities, turning them into voracious music fans.

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Small stories and other things we might share around the kitchen table


Treat-motivated writer and photographer.